I take ballet class on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, which leaves Monday and Thursday for everything else. Usually Thursday mornings are reserved for the grocery store (ye gods, get to Wegmans before 10:00 or you’ll be stuck there for eternity.) However, this morning I had a doctor’s appointment (just routine, no need for panic). It was raining pretty hard so the traffic was worse than usual, but I left the house 10 minutes early and so arrived on time, just in time, in fact, to wait twenty minutes. On the way home, I drove over to Costco and picked up toilet paper and facial cream and popcorn – you know, the things you need from Costco. Since Costco is across the street from Home Depot, I went in for a mulch ring for around the giant composite turtle that guards our septic tank access, some sealer/primer for that odd stain that’s appeared on the ceiling and to look over light fixtures for the kitchen renovation at the end of April. (There will be Blog material there, oh yes there will.)
I drove home, unloaded the car and kicked myself for forgetting packing paper for packing up the dishes for the kitchen renovation. I wrote an e-mail regarding Jaguar Sees, had 15 minutes for conversation with my husband and took off to meet my friend for her birthday lunch at Champs. (Shrimp fajitas for her, chicken fajitas for me) That was a delightful hour, and since there’s a Whole Foods in the same Mall, I’d hoped to get the food shopping done. Unfortunately, they either didn’t have mos tof the stuff on my list and what they did have was awfully expensive. I just nabbed five bananas and some fresh flowers. Tomorrow I’ll stop at the Giant on my way home from dance class to pick up everything else.
Meanwhile, I saw the Michaels across the parking lot and remembered I needed an odd-shaped picture frame for the little 6” by 6” painting our kitchen designer gave us. (Pretty cool, right? I mean, not every kitchen designer is an artist, and not every kitchen designer-artist gives customers lovely remembrances. It’s a beautiful little picture – a burst of flowers in deep pinks, oranges and greens.) I pulled my raincoat hood over my head and avoided puddles. I found a frame and then got distracted by yarn on sale. (Okay, the yarn was four aisles over, but I’d had to go two aisles to get the acid-free paper to back the painting, and by then it was calling me out of the corner of my eye—in a mixed metaphor kind of way.)
I found yarn that is variegated blues and browns, exactly the right colors for our new duvet! I grabbed that and drove home in the rain that’s been pouring down all freaking day. I'm home in time to have a glass of wine before dinner, write this and look at afghan patterns for the yarn.
So, please, don’t be one of those people who asks, “Now that you’re home all day, are you bored?” or, “Now that you’re not working, what do you do with yourself all day?”
I'm not bored. I'm not even home. The real question is, “How did you ever find time to work?!”
Everyone I know who has retired says exactly the same. Life just expands to fill the time. You'll need to book some empty space in your diary ..